• 26 июня 2019, среда
  • Москва, Pamyatnik Marshalu G.k. Zhukovu, Manege Square

Medieval Moscow - Walking Tour

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+7 (915) 181-32-11, matreshechka-project@yandex.ru

Другие события организатора

2087 дней назад
26 июня 2019 c 12:00 до 14:00
Pamyatnik Marshalu G.k. Zhukovu, Manege Square

Walking tour that discovers the very heart of Moscow from within — it’s Medieval roots, mysterious, bloodthirsty and fateful era, that shaped what we are today. We’ll see and talk about the Red Square, Kremlin, State History Museum, St. Basils’ Cathedral, "Lobnoe" place, Varvarka street, Zaryadye, Kitay-Gorod, Presidents’ Administration, Romanovy’s chambers and monastery — and much much more.

To figure out:

  • Where Ivan the Terrible rode a donkey and what was before he became terrible,
  • In which church the devil lived and how he was exorcised
  • Why Moscow is the “3rd Rome” and where you can find The Holy City of Jerusalem in It
  • Why the St’ Basil’s Cathedral is not actually St’ Basil’s (and who’s that Basil after all)
  • Where to see an Icon made of churches
  • What is the real medieval architecture, who tried to fake it and how to distinguish fake from real
  • Why the oldest part of the city is called China-Town ("Kitay-Gorod") without a single (ok, almost) Chinese there

We’ll make our guests feel a little bit more local in this huge, old, mysterious and complicated city and make it possible to read Russian history on your own.


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